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what is CEE Bankwatch Network
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What is CEE Bankwatch Network

The CEE Bankwatch Network's mission is to prevent environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international development finance, and to promote alternative solutions and public participation.

Why "For the Earth" is a member of the CEE Bankwatch Network?
Monitored Institutions
Ģember Groups


The CEE Bankwatch Network is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with member organisations from 11 countries of CEE and CIS region. The basic aim of the network is to monitor activities of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in the region, and to propose constructive alternatives to their policies and projects in the region. The CEE Bankwatch Network was formally set up in 1995 and has become one of the strongest networks of environmental NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe. Members of the CEE Bankwatch Network are NGOs from Bulgaria, Belorussia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Slovak Republic and Ukraine. The Network is focusing mainly on energy, transport and EU enlargement, while working to promote public participation and access to information about activities of IFIs in the CEE region. Members of the CEE Bankwatch Network attend the annual meetings of the IFIs and are engaged in an ongoing critical dialogue with their staff and Executive Directors at national, regional and international levels.

Why "For the Earth" is a member of the CEE Bankwatch Network?

Environmental Association "For the Earth"(Za Zemiata) is a member group of the CEE Bankwatch Network since 1997. As a member, "For the Earth" develops a campaing for monitoring the activities of International Financial Institutions, such as the European Investment Bank, World Bank and ISPA pre-accssion fund of the European Union. The activities within the frames of this campaing include: informing civil society about the projects financed by IFIs and possible impacts on environment and people, assisting local population affected by the implementation of such projects, preventing their negative impacts on environmenta and people, and promotion of sustainable alternatives for development.


The CEE Bankwatch Network has five main objectives:

  • To create public awareness about International Financial Institutions activities in Central and Eastern European countries and their social and environmental impacts.
  • To promote public participation in the decision making process about policies and projects of International Financial Institutions, on the local, national and regional levels.
  • To help non-governmental environmental organisations and citizen groups to monitor what the International Financial Institutions are doing in the Central and Eastern Europe.
  • To change or stop environmentally and socially destructive policies and projects of International Financial Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, and promote alternatives.
  • To cooperate with environmental citizen organisations in stopping destructive activities of Transnational Corporations and to limit their overall impacts on the environment in Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Activities

    The CEE Bankwatch Network is working to accomplish its goals by:

  • Collecting and disseminating information about the activities of International Finance Institutions within the region, including a regular newsletter in each of the ten participating countries about what these institutions are doing.
  • Building the capacity of national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to participate in environmental decision-making, including training, joint analysis of projects, and joint publication of analytical materials about the International Finance Institutions.
  • Developing cooperative working relationships among Central and East European environmental activists, while utilizing western experience about International Finance Institutions.
  • Preparing case studies of International Finance Institutions-funded projects, critiques of their policies, and proposals for more sustainable alternatives.
  • Undertaking advocacy activities vis-a-vis the various International Finance Institutions, particularly in the areas of transportation, energy and forestry. Members of the CEE Bankwatch Network attend the annual meetings of the IFIs and are engaged in an ongoing critical dialogue with their staffs and Executive Directors at national, regional and international levels.
  • Setting up working groups dealing with the transportation, energy and the Global Environment Facility. Working groups are producing case studies and country reviews.
  • Major activities of the CEE Bankwatch Network:
    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Reform
    European Investment Bank (EIB) Reform
    European Union Enlargement
    Oil & Climate
    Gold Mining
    Forestry Issues
    Nuclear Safety
    Transport Issues
    Country Assistance Strategies (CAS) of the World Bank
    World Bank and International Monetary Fund

    Monitored Institutions

    The CEE Bankwatch Network concentrates mostly on monitoring policies, projects and activities of the following International Financial Institutions:

  • EIB - European Investment Bank
  • EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • The World Bank Group
  • IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • IFC - International Finance Corporation
  • It also watches over relevant financial mechanisms of:

  • EU - European Union (Pre-Accession Funds, Tacis, Euratom)
  • The CEE Bankwatch Network also keeps eye on:

  • ECAs - Export Credit Agencies
  • GEF - Global Environment Facility
  • IMF - International Monetary Fund
  • NIB - Nordic Investment Bank

  • Ģember Groups

    Belarus Ecological Initiative "Belaya Rus"
    Bulgaria For the Earth (Za Zemiata)
      Centre for Environmental Information and Education (CEIE)
    Czech Republic Centre for Transport and Energy (CDE)
      Hnuti DUHA
    Estonia Estonian Green Movement-FoE (ERL)
    Georgia Green Alternative
    Hungary Energy Club
      Nature Protection Club of Eotvos Lorand University (ETK)
    Latvia Environmental Protection Club (VAK)
    Lithuania Lithuanian Green Movement
    Poland Polish Green Net
    Slovak Republic Center for Environmental Public Advocacy (CEPA)
    Ukraine National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU)


    Executive Director - Tomasz Terlecki

    International Coordinators:
    International EU Coordinator - Magda Stoczkiewicz
    International Oil and Climate Coordinator - Petr Hlobil
    International Energy Coordinator - Olexi Pasyuk
    Regional Coordinator for Caucaus - Manana Kochladze
    Coordinator for South Eastern Europe - Keti Medarova

    National Coordinators:
    Belorussian National Coordinator - Natasha Petrushkewich
    Bulgarian National Coordinator - Anelia Stefanova
    Czech National Coordinator - Pavel Pribyl
    Estonian National Coordinator - Peep Mardiste
    Hungarian National Coordinator - Eniko Hajosi
    Latvian National Coordinator - Alda Ozola
    Lithuanian National Coordinator - Linas Vainius
    Macedonian National Coordinator - Aneta Bosevska
    Polish National Coordinator - Robert Cyglicki
    Slovakian National Coordinator - Peter Mihok
    Ukrainian National Coordinator - Yevgen Groza

    Project Coordinators:
    Bulgarian Energy Coordinator - Petko Kovatchev
    Hungarian Energy Coordinator - Gabor Takacz
    Lithuanian Energy Coordinator - Saulius Piksrys
    Polish EU Coordinator - Andrzej Gula
    Slovakian EU Coordinator - Katarina Lukacova
    Ukrainian Energy Coordinator - Yury Urbansky

    Financial Manager - Stanislava Smahova
    Executive Director's Office and Financial Manager - Malgorzata Bozek
    Campaign Assistant - Magdalena Sanocka
    English Editor/Media Relations - Greig Aitken
    Web Editor - Klara Schirova


    Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (CS Mott)
    European Commission
    Ford Foundation
    Freedom House
    Heinrich Boll Foundation
    National Forum Foundation (NFF)
    Netherlands Organization for International Development Cooperation (Novib)
    Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF)
    Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
    The Staples Trust
    Transnational Institute (TNI)
    W. Alton Jones Foundation
    Wallace Global Fund

    CEE Bankwatch Network welcomes further donations:
    Account name: CEE Bankwatch Network
    Account number EUR: 102 104 42 85/ 5500
    Bank: Raiffeisen Bank
    Address: Vinohradska 230, 100 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic

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